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Courtney Christian School Appoints Tim Mattei as Athletic Director


Courtney Christian School is proud to announce the appointment of Mr. Tim Mattei as athletic director beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. With decades of experience in education, coaching and athletic administration at the high school level, Mr. Mattei will be tasked with continuing the growth and success of Courtney Christian School’s athletics program especially as it adds high school sports in the fall. 

Courtney Christian School currently fields 16 teams in nine sports including cross country, volleyball, flag football, boys basketball, girls basketball, softball, baseball, track and field, and cheerleading. More than 150 students in kindergarten through eighth grade participate in the school’s athletics program. Mr. Mattei will draw from his experience managing eligibility requirements for high school sports as Courtney Christian School begins offering ninth and tenth grade sports as part of the ACEL (Association of Christian Educators of Louisiana) athletics league in August and pursues membership with the LHSAA in future years.  

Mr. Mattei has experience coaching track and field (30 years), football (16 years), cross country (six years) and soccer (two years). Additionally, he is a teacher certified in Social Studies for grades 6-12, Physical Education, and USA Track and Field Level I and Level II. He believes in engaging students in their physical development, and his physical education classes utilize a variety of strategies in sports and safety. 

“Our athletics program has grown tremendously since the school began nearly 10 years ago. We look forward to Mr. Mattei joining our school to lead our athletics program with continued excellence, serve as a role model to our students and train them in character in all aspects of education and sports,” said Mrs. Sue Courtney, founder and head of school.  

Courtney Christian School is committed to excellent education which includes a quality academic program, as well as imparting a Biblical worldview, developing Godly character and instilling the knowledge of our nation's Christian heritage. For more information, visit or call 985-393-0227.



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